Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

sejarah kostum timnas indonesia

Kostum tim nasional Indonesia tidak hanya merah-putih sebab ada juga putih-putih, biru-putih, dan hijau-putih. Menurut Bob Hippy, yang ikut memperkuat timnas sejak tahun 1962 hingga 1974, kostum Indonesia dengan warna selain merah-putih itu muncul ketika PSSI mempersiapkan dua tim untuk Asian Games IV-1962, Jakarta.
Saat itu ada dua tim yang diasuh pelatih asal Yugoslavia, Toni Pogacnic, yakni PSSI Banteng dan PSSI Garuda. Yang Banteng, yang terdiri dari pemain senior saat itu, seperti M. Zaelan, Djamiat Dalhar, dan Tan Liong Houw, selain menggunakan kostum merah-putih juga punya kostum hijau-putih. Sedangkan tim Garuda, yang antara lain diperkuat Omo, Anjik Ali Nurdin, dan Ipong Silalahi juga dilengkapi kostum biru-putih. Tetapi, setelah terungkap kasus suap yang dikenal dengan "Skandal Senayan", sebelum Asian Games IV-1962, pengurus PSSI hanya membuat satu timnas. Itu sebabnya, di Asian Games IV-1962, PSSI sama sekali tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa karena kemudian kedua tim itu dirombak. Selanjutnya digunakan tim campuran di Asian Games.
Mulyadi (Fan Tek Fong), asisten pelatih klub UMS, yang memperkuat timnas mulai tahun 1964 hingga 1972, menjelaskan bahwa setelah dari era Asian Games, sepanjang perjalanan timnas hingga tahun 1970-an, PSSI hanya mengenal kostum merah-putih dan putih-putih. Begitu juga ketika timnas melakukan perjalanan untuk bertanding di sejumlah negara di Eropa pada tahun 1965. Saat itu setiap kali bermain, tim nasional hanya menggunakan merah-putih dan putih-putih dengan gambar Garuda yang besar di bagian dada hingga ke perut. Seragam hijau-putih kembali digunakan saat mempersiapkan kesebelasan pra-Olimpiade 1976, dan kemudian digunakan pada arena SEA Games XI-1981 Manila. "Begitu juga ketika Indonesia bermain di Thailand, di mana saat itu Indonesia menjadi runner-up Piala Raja 1981," kata Ronny Pattinasarani yang memperkuat PSSI tahun 1970-1985.
Di Piala Asia 2007 yang digelar mulai 8 Juli hingga Minggu 29 Juli, Nike juga telah mendesain kostum tim nasional Indonesia, tetapi kali ini bukan hijau-putih, melainkan putih-hijau. Tentu tetap dengan detail yang sama, seperti Garuda yang selalu bertengger di dada.
Dan pada kostum Timnas Indonesia terakhir yang dibuat Nike pada 2010 untuk Piala Suzuki AFF 2010, motif baru kembali diperkenalkan. Pada kostum ini, terdapat Burung Garuda besar yang membentang hampir di seluruh bagian depan kostum yang tidak berwarna tetapi memiliki garis-garis yang memiliki warna hitam cenderung abu-abu. Sementara pada kostum kedua yang berwarna Putih-Hijau, terdapat motif yang sama, tetapi garis-garis pada burung Garuda berwarna abu-abu muda.

sumber : www.google.com

Lessons From the Tsunami Disaster For You

Lessons From the Tsunami Disaster For You
The quake and its tsunami waves that followed led to the disaster that killed more than 220,000 people. The fracture area of ​​1,000 square kilometers that arise due to movement of a slab beneath the surface of the earth and the great energy generated by a giant chunk of land that move, combined with the great energy that occurs in the oceans to create tsunamis.

Winds blowing over the sea level rise of current is limited to the upper layer of ocean waves by generating relatively small. The tsunami that occurred on the high seas would not be perceived even by a ship.

(The largest tsunami wave ever known, which hit Japan in July 1993, up to 30 meters above sea level.)

Giant sea waves caused by the biggest earthquake in recorded history is as follows

The oldest giant waves caused by earthquakes ever known at sea, which was named "tsunami" by the Japanese and "hungtao" by the Chinese, is occurring in the eastern Mediterranean on 21 July 365 AD and killed thousands of people in the city of Alexandria , Egypt.

Waves of the Atlantic Ocean that reaches a height of 6 meters devastated beaches in Portugal, Spain and Morocco.

sumber : www.google.com

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Spread of Drug Among Children and Adolescents

Spread of Drug Among Children and Adolescents
Until now, the spread of drugs is almost unavoidable. Given the almost the entire population of the world can easily get drugs from the individuals who are not responsible. For example, from drug dealers who prey areas like schools, discos, where prostitution, and gang gathering places. Of course this can make for parents, organizations, governments worried about the spread of drugs that are so willing to reign.

Any drug eradication efforts have often done, but still less likely to avoid drugs among adolescents and adults, even children of primary and junior high school that fall was a lot of drugs. Until now the most effective efforts to prevent drug abuse in children is from family education. Parents are expected to supervise and educate their children to always stay away from drugs.

Under the terms of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which also agreed to Indonesia in 1989, every child's right to reproductive health information (including HIV / AIDS and drugs) and are protected physically and mentally. But the reality of the current conflict with the agreement, have found children aged 7 years there has been a kind of inhalant drugs (inhaled vapors). Children aged 8 years had used cannabis, and then at the age of 10 years, children are using drugs of various kinds, such as inhalant, marijuana, heroin, morphine, ecstasy, and so forth (BNN research in collaboration with the University of Indonesia).

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

cause loss of concentration

Here are some of the causes of loss of concentration, as the article I quoted from the following detikhealth. When you are faced with the task of school or a job that racked my brain, sometimes you struggle to concentrate and make your work is not optimal. Your brain will experience lack of concentration when you are faced with certain body conditions. Here are 9 reasons why you have trouble concentrating as reported by the prevention, Tuesday (15/05/2012), among others:

Hormone levels and low vitaminWhich is sometimes confused mind can indicate vitamin or hormone deficiency, especially if you're feeling tired. For example, if you are short of thyroid hormone, your metabolism will slow down, reduced blood flow and brain cell function can not work optimally. Lack of vitamin B-12 in the body also has the same symptoms. You can check about the deficiency of hormones and vitamins to the doctor indicated cardiovascular problems like hypertension, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome or prediabetes. If the problem is left untreated, can lead to cognitive decline.
Your hormones have been damagedWomen who are approaching the menopause (perimenopause) will have an irregular menstrual cycle. Lack of concentration is a common complaint of women during this period. Most women describe it as a vague feeling, reduced vocabulary, and can not think clearly. Other signs are pointing to perimenopause night sweats and vaginal dryness.
Your use of certain drugsUse of anti-depressant drugs can affect your mood and concentration. Antihistamines and sedatives may cause drowsiness, while antidepressants and other drugs that can interfere with the kind of brain work. People who use statin drugs will sometimes lose mental clarity. Before deciding to use drugs, better consult a doctor first. Ask if there are drugs known to cause a distraction when it is consumed or when you stop taking them.
You quit smokingYou will find it difficult to concentrate when you quit smoking because of the influence of nicotine addiction that has made you. But this will pass and your mental health will soon improve with reduced adverse effects of nicotine on the body.
Poor dietPoor eating habits increase the risk of obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and related diseases that can impair cognitive function. Being overweight or obese makes it harder to stay active, but active body is important for brain health. Eat fish and vegetables and eating less meat and saturated fat foods will make your brain sharp again.
You are too busyYou may be very busy, so too divorsir brain activity without the required physical activity of the brain. Exercise increases the production of substances that can stimulate the brain and slow the formation of plaques that cause Alzheimer's disease. Start exercising and your brain will feel sharper and more focused.
You have excessive anxietyWhen you are worried about something, you will find it hard to concentrate on your work. That's how the brain responds to real or imagined threat. You become very aware of the environment. Do something nice for clearing your head of things that create anxiety. Share a story with a close friend can also reduce excessive fears.
There are many things you need to do every dayIf you have a list of daily work and requires too much memory, it could mean you will experience forgetfulness and impaired brain function. People sometimes can not keep his mind from too much burden to be remembered in his brain.
ADHDA person may suffer from undiagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adulthood is characterized by symptoms of impatience, forgetful and had difficulty completing office tasks. When you have problems with concentration, immediately consult a doctor to find out your chances of suffering from ADHD (ir / ir) / source: detikhealth.comWell, that's some cause or reason it difficult to concentrate, hopefully useful, because the concentration is very important to our work in completing daily tasks.

Dangers of smoking to health

Dangers of smoking to health
Healthy life really easy and cheap, but sometimes becomes a costly thing if we do not want to keep it. And when we are sick, then we realize the importance of health. Likewise with our smoking daily. Aka we feel the loss if we are suffering the effects of smoking. Dangers of smoking to health will be felt if we're too old to smoke. AAPA are the dangers of smoking?
According to research someone who smoked cigarettes every day can increase the risk of cancer of the larynx, lung, esophagus, oral cavity, blood vessel disorders, disorders of pregnancy and heart disease. According to research someone who regularly smoked 3 to 4 cigarettes a day, eight times more at risk for oral cancer than nonsmokers. Even the latest results show that smoking will result in the development of pancreatic cancer.
Each year the frequency of patients with chronic diseases caused by smoking is increasing. Although much research and authentic evidence that smoking is like a time bomb that could damage health. This is because smoking raises the craving. In cigarettes contained a substance called nicotine. This substance may cause effects to relax and this makes it difficult to abandon the smoking habit.

Cigarette smoke contains 40 cancer-causing chemicals, and other diseases.
When smoked, some chemicals will explore the vital organs of the body.
Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide which if inhaled would replace the function of oxygen in cells - blood cells and taking nutrients from the heart, brain and other organs.
Nicotine contained in cigarettes. Ngerangsang nicotine chemicals in the brain that cause addiction. This chemical stimulates the adrenal glands to produce hormones that interfere with the heart caused by blood pressure and heart rate increased.
How to quit smoking
Many ways that we can stop smoking. The first and most important stages is the intention of the great and truly want to quit smoking. Impossible without the intention of the person to quit smoking. Many claim to be heavy smokers and acknowledge that they are very great determination to quit smoking. But when they came out and reunited with his friends who smoke, the desire came back. This is why it is the intention and determination of the most important when you want to really quit smoking.
A. A genuine intention to quit smoking.2. Learn to hate cigarette3. Mix with people who do not smoke4. Often go to places that are air-conditioned room5. Move all items related to smoking.6. If you want to smoke, wait for another 10 minutes.7. Tell your friends and the people closest to if we want to stop smoking.8. Reduce smoking jumplah little by little.9. Eliminate the habit Bengong or wait.10. Frequently went to the hospital, in order to know the importance of health.11. Find a substitute for cigarettes, such as candy or sugar.12. Try and try again if it still fails.
Before already, let's start stop smoking. many ways that we can stop smoking. But the most important and the main thing is to know the dangers of smoking and intentions with sincerity of heart and try the tips above. If not successful, try again and the lag

sumber : www.google.com