Kamis, 05 April 2012

Plagiarism in the Academy of Culture Hegemony

nama :suhandi
npm :16211924
kls : 1ea12

Plagiarism in the Academy of Culture Hegemony

I think plagiarism is the work of one sentence and then think of it as the work it self. In our country Indonesia, it is often the case, especially in education. One example is cheating on exams. Plagiarism is a disgraceful attitude that should be avoid because it will hurt many people including ourselves because it makes us tend only to imitate and can’t be independent. we do act that plagiarism means we are not yet mature. Especially in education we should be able to show that the other what we make is the result of our own rather than imitatition others. Therefore we must avoid plagiarism and show that we can do better than others with our own hard-earned.

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